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 Calles WOTLK Ticker

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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptyDi Aug 26, 2008 10:27 am

So, da ich schon bei KuE ein Wotlk Log - für alle die nicht die Zeit haben die Änderungen genau zu verfolgen - gepflegt habe, werde ich auch hier mal damit anfangen - wenn es keinen stört :p

Aktuelle Meldung des Tages:

Zitat :

Major Upcoming Content Patch - 08/25/08

With the release of Wrath of the Lich King approaching, we wanted to provide you with some important information. In preparation for the expansion, we will be issuing a new content patch in the coming weeks. Much like the patch made available shortly before The Burning Crusade's release, this content patch is designed to bridge current game content with that of the expansion and will contain some exciting changes and additions.
We have outlined some of the larger features scheduled to release with the patch below:
New class spells and talents
Stormwind Harbor
Barbershops in capital cities
Zeppelin towers outside of Orgrimmar and Tirisfal Glades
Two brand-new Arenas featuring challenging new layouts, terrain hazards, and moving obstacles
Guild calendar
Hunter pet skill revamp
New profession: Inscription
As mentioned above, this is not a comprehensive list, just some of the major highlights. We’ll post the full patch notes as soon as they’re available. Regarding Inscription, please note that all Burning Crusade players will be able to select Inscription as one of their two professions and level up to a skill level of 375 with it. Upon the release of Wrath of the Lich King, players who purchase and install the expansion will be able to continue leveling in Inscription and the other professions beyond 375.

Dh wir dürfen uns schon vor Wotlk über neue Talente, den neuen Beruf, den geilen Gildenkalender und mindestens zwei neue Arenen freuen Very Happy

Entweder verspätet Wotlk sich oder Blizzard hat die Gefahr durch Warhammer Online endlich ernst genommen!

Zum Schluss noch eine nette Seite für Wotlk Infos:

Zuletzt von Calnantyr am Di Aug 26, 2008 5:26 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 358
Anmeldedatum : 08.10.07

Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptyDi Aug 26, 2008 3:03 pm

finde ich sehr schön. bitte weitermachen Wink
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptyDi Aug 26, 2008 8:55 pm

Naja ich bin immer jemand, den sowas nicht interessiert, weil eh alles erst endgültig ist bei Blizz, was wirklich raus ist, vorher wird doch quasi bis zur letzten Minute noch alles 30 x umgeworfen Smile

aber für alle, die es interesiiert, habe ich das mal sticky gemacht Smile
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptyDi Aug 26, 2008 11:16 pm

Du irrst Marina, das umwerfen wird wieder sehr viel Zeit benoetigen und es werden eine Menge patches ins Land ziehen.Hier ein Heulthread und da nochmal einer Wink.
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptyMi Aug 27, 2008 9:47 am

Wrath of the Lichking release 3/4. Novembar
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Aug 30, 2008 3:09 am

Heute zum neuen Build... Schurkenüberarbeitung!
Zitat :

Quote from: Gamnin (Source)

Hello rogues,

We’ve got some updates coming soon for the rogue class and I wanted to duck in and give you a sneak preview of what we’ve been working on as well as our future goals. Below are lists (by no means exhaustive) of some of these changes and goals.

- Quality of life improvements: Removal of various reagents (Thieves’ Tools, Flash Powder) as well as a Poisons skill change. We’re removing the Poisons skill and making the finished poisons available on vendors for purchase. This should free up a fair amount of bag space.
- Envenom: Now also increases your chance to apply poisons by 25% for 2-6 seconds (based on combo points).
- Wounding Poison: No longer stacks. The first application now reduces healing by 50%.
- Anesthetic Poison: Now also removes one Enrage effect from the target.
- Evasion, Sprint, Vanish: Cooldown reduced to 3 minutes. (Talents that reduce cooldown take this down to 2 minutes.)
- Cloak of Shadows: Cooldown increased to 2 minutes. (Elusiveness now reduces this cooldown to 1 minute.)
- A new level 75 ability has been designed. This is going to be one of the bigger teases as we’re not quite ready to talk about this one yet. I will say that will add some much needed group utility.
- Fan of Knives: Weapon normalization to equalize effectiveness regardless of weapons carried.

- Mutilate: No longer requires you be behind the target.
- Relentless Strikes: Talent is too “required” and will be made more accessible. Vigor will replace its spot in the tree and a new talent will be created to fill Vigor’s spot.
- Find Weakness: Made passive to cut down on the number of triggered effects that either don’t affect gameplay or affect it in a negative way.
- Cut to the Chase: No longer requires a critical Eviscerate or Envenom. The finisher just has to land.
- Hunger for Blood: Now removes any harmful physical effect instead of Bleed or Magic effects. Bleed effects will still be removed (as all are physical) as well as effects like Mortal Strike, Aimed Shot, Expose Armor etc…

- Riposte: Now generates a combo point.
- Mace Specialization: This will grant armor penetration when using a mace. (The warrior talent will as well.)
- Deflection: Reduced to 3 ranks for 2/4/6% parry. This should soften the prereq for Riposte.
- Fist Weapon Specialization: Merged with Dagger Specialization.
- Dagger Specialization: Renamed Close Quarters Combat, moved to tier 3.
- Dual Wield Specialization: Moved to tier 1. Lightning Reflexes swapped locations with it and still needs a little more “oomph”.
- Unfair Advantage and Stay of Execution: Change to more offensive/utility (read mobility) talents. Too much defense on this tier.
- Killing Spree: Weapon normalization to equalize effectiveness regardless of weapons carried.

- More attractive Tier 1 to draw in all types of builds.
- Fewer dagger specific talents to allow additional build options.
- Wrongfully Accused: Reviewed. This talent doesn’t fit well in this location. May be moved lower and/or redesigned.
- Shadow Dance: A bit awkward at the moment. Due for some polish and some design tweaks.

Plenty to do still as you can see. As I mentioned, this isn’t everything we’ve got our eye on but gives you something to discuss and look for in an upcoming beta patch. Please add to the list anything you think needs special attention.

Thanks for reading. I’m going back to work.

Außerdem wird sehr wahrscheinlich das komplette Buff-System der Klassen umgearbeitet, um ein flexibleres Raid-Setup zu ermöglichen.
Generell wird es mehr raidweite Buffs geben (z.B: "Finally, we have modified Heroism and Bloodlust to affect the entire raid. However, all affected raid members will be unable to cast or benefit from Bloodlust/Heroism for 5 minutes.") und bestehende Buff-Stacks werden aufgelöst oder umgelegt. - Finde ich generell gut, weil es einen Raid nicht mehr unbedingt von bestimmten Skillungen abhängig macht!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 62
Anmeldedatum : 18.08.08

Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Aug 30, 2008 5:12 am

hm gestern hab ich noch jemandem widersprochen, der sagte rampage würde auf 5% crit für den raid umgeändert...
insgesamt finde ich grad die änderung mit den debuff slots recht angenehm weil dadurch das raid setup nichtmehr so steif ist wie bisher, gleichzeitig seh ich die sache aber auch mit einem weinenden auge weil gleichzeitig sachen wie rampage kaputtgemacht werden um den krieger "salonfähiger" zu machen...
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1458
Ort : Duisburg
Anmeldedatum : 12.10.07

Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Aug 30, 2008 10:35 am

Naja es ist schon gut das man nciht mehr umbedingt jede klasse braucht,

wozu gibt es den de verschiedenen klassen?
also sry aber wenn man die Klassen unterschiede weg nimmt, bekommt der Krieger noch Heil Zauber und kann dann alleine gehen...

selbst wenn man unterschiedliche Klassen braucht, was solls? man sollte es nur nicht übertreiben mit einer Klasse das sie in der ini zu sehr (5 von der sorte) gebraucht wird...
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 188
Alter : 44
Ort : 55583
Anmeldedatum : 17.12.07

Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Aug 30, 2008 11:34 am

Schurkenüberarbeitung..... ein ersatzloses Streichen der Verstohlenheit wäre mal toll, meines Erachtens eine absolut unnötige Komponente des Spiels Smile

Die Unterschiede der Klassen sind mit BC schon wesentlich verschwommen, bzw. es gibt wesentlich mehr sinnvolle Skillungen. Insbesondere für Heilfähige Klassen. Veränderungen an dem momentanem System werden eh dazu führen, das gewisse Klassen wichtiger und andere unwichtiger bzw. nahezu komplett ersetzbar werden.
Mit wotlk wird eine 4te tankfähige Klasse eingeführt und durch die Ersetzung des +heal stats durch Zaubermacht, erhalten die Heilerklassen einen nicht zu unterschätzenden Schadensbonus. Die wird sich wohl vorallem im PvP bemerkbar machen und die Heilerklassen ein starkes Stück in der Nahrungskette steigen lassen. zZ sehe ich den Schamanen als momentanen Gewinner des addons, aber mal abwarten ob nach halbjährlichem Balancing (nerfen aller Nicht-Warlocks xD) dann sowas wie ein Sinn zu erkennen sein wird.

Während ich mich Warhammer und der Verbreitung von Tzeentch widme, werde ich die Entwicklung in WoW natürlich verfolgen.
Denn ein Todesritter steht auf meiner Wunschliste schon seit Jahren weit oben.
Ich hatte mit BC ja schon drauf gehofft, aber da hat der Schneesturm es ja vorgezogen die Unterschiede zwischen Horde und Allianz zu verwischen, anstatt den Forsaken einen Todesritter zu verpassen.

Mit der Vorwegnahme der neuen Talente wird von Balance nichts mehr zu spüren sein. Einigen Klassen werden gewisse Zauber fehlen, die sie erst ab 71+ bekommen werden.
Die Verzeiflung führt wohl dazu...
Wenn die Konkurrenz (WAR) schon nen unfertiges Spiel veröffentlicht macht Blizzard ähnliches und stellt uns nen neuen Zeppelinturm hin!
Ist das nicht toll?
Ein weiteres Bauwerk, ohne Sinn...

Da ich schon seit 15 Jahren Spiele aus dem Warhammer Universum spiele, sowie jede Menge Romane zu dem Thema gestapelt habe, bringt mich auch eine bessere Beta Version nicht davon ab das Spiel anzuspielen.
Es möge aber jeder Zweifler folgendes bedenken: Ist die Vorwegnahme der neuen Talente und der unfertigen Klassen in WoW denn etwas anderes als ein zweitklassiger Betatest?
Patch 2.0 hat wenigstens das PvP System reformiert.
Gut, da gabs ja WoW auch schon über anderthalb Jahre^^
Da kann man dann auch mal ein PvP System einbauen, das den Spieler nicht nötigt arbeitslos zu sein, oder mit mehreren Spielern den selben Char zu spielen, um Hartz14 äh Rang 14 zu erreichen xD

Da ich schon auf einige Zeit WoW zurückblicken kann, bin ich skeptisch. Die aus Warcraft 3 geborene Story ist nahezu tot, einzig Arthas lebt noch. und mit ihm wird die Story von Warcraft sterben, vermutlich 7 Wochen nachdem die finale Instanz implementiert wurde.

ABER das wird mich wohl nicht daran hindern zu gegebener Zeit einen Todesritter zu spielen^^

Also mal sehen wie sich das entwickelt.
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Aug 30, 2008 12:01 pm

Naja, es geht nicht darum die Klassen zu Einheitsbrei zu machen, denke ich.
Blizzard möchte eher, dass du Leute mit jeder Skillung im Raid gut einsetzen kannst!
Ein Beispiel dafür im neuen Build der Moonkin: AOE und Heal Fähigkeiten wurden extrem gebufft, auch single Target dmg... Im Forum hat einer mit 1130 Spellpower von einem 5,6k Starfire krit berichtet ^^ Edit: Ich seh grad, dass auch unglaublich geile Heal/Balance Hybridbuilds möglich sind o0
Nun zu den Classchanges:

Der aktuelle Talentrechner:

Zitat :

Class Changes:

A preliminary (and very incomplete) list of new Talent changes can be found on Blizzard's Talent Calculator info page.


Blessing of Might : Attack power increased for several ranks.
Shield Specialization (Rank 2) : Description changed from 'Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 20%.' to 'Increases your block value by 20%.'

Improved Water Elemental (Rank 2): Description changed from 'Increases the duration of your Summon Water Elemental spell by 10000 sec and your Water Elemental restores mana to all party or raid members an amount equal to 2% of their total mana every 5 secs.' to 'Increases the duration of your Summon Water Elemental spell by 10000 sec and your Water Elemental restores mana to all party or raid members an amount equal to 0.4% of their total mana every 5 secs.'
Fingers of Frost (Rank 2) : Description changed from 'Gives your Frost damage spells a 10% chance to apply the Fingers of Frost effect, which treat your Frost spells cast on the target as if the target were Frozen. Lasts [DURATION].' to 'Gives your Frost damage spells a 10% chance to apply the Fingers of Frost effect, which treat your next 2 Frost spells cast on the target as if the target were Frozen. Lasts [DURATION].'

Camouflage: You camouflage, cuasing you and your Pet to blend into your surroundings. After 3 sec., you will enter a stealthed state. While stealthed, you and your pet's movement speed is reduced by 30%, but the damage done by your next attack is increased by 50%. You can lay traps while under the effect, but any damage done by you or your pet will cancel the effect. Cannot be cast while in combat.
New Rhino skill added
Stampede: Your rhino slams nearby enemies within [RADIUS] yards, causing 49 to 65 damage and knocking them back 150 yards.
Improved Hunter's Mark (Rank 3) : Description changed from 'Causes 100% of your Hunter's Mark ability's base attack power to apply to melee attack power as well, and reduces the chance your Hunter's Mark ability is dispelled by 30%.' to 'Increases the bonus attack power granted by your Hunter's Mark ability by 30%, and reduces the mana cost of your Hunter's Mark ability by 100%.'

Renewed Hope: Increases the critical effect chance of your Flash Heal, Greater Heal and Penance spells by 3/6% on targets afflicted by the Weakened Soul effect.
Unbreakable Will : Changed to Reduces the duration of Stun, Fear, and Silence effects instead of Increases your chance to resist Stun, Fear, and Silence effects
Misery (Rank 1) : Description changed from 'Your Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay and Vampiric Touch spells also cause the target to take an additional 1% spell damage.' to 'Your Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay and Vampiric Touch spells also increase the chance for harmful spells to hit by 1%.'
Reflective Shield (Rank 2) : Description changed from 'Causes 20% of the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield to reflect back at the attacker. This damage causes no threat.' to 'Causes 30% of the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield to reflect back at the attacker. This damage causes no threat.'
Grace (Rank 1) : Description changed from 'Your Flash Heal, Greater Heal, and Penance spells bless the target with Grace, reducing damage done to the target by 1%, and increasing healing done to the target by 1%. This effect will stack up to 3 times. Effect lasts [DURATION].' to 'Your Flash Heal, Greater Heal, and Penance spells have a 50% chance to bless the target with Grace, reducing damage done to the target by 1%. This effect will stack up to 3 times. Effect lasts [DURATION].'

Blue Post: Oh, and the current plan for Nature's Grasp is for it to be a base ability (100% chance).
Genesis: Increases the damage and healing done by your periodic spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Mother Bear [PH] [NYI]: Increases the bonus attack power for Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by an additional 20/40/60%, and for each friendly player in your party, damage you take is reduced while in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 1/2/3%.
Nature's Splendor: Increases the duration of your Moonfire, Insect Swarm, Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom and Flourish spells by 30%.
Natural Reaction [PH]: Increases your dodge while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form by 2/4/6%, and you regenerate 1/2/3 rage eveyrtime you dodge while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form.
Improved Insect Swarm [PH] [NYI]: Increases your damage done by your Wrath spell to targets afflicted by your Insect Swarm by 1/2/3%, and increases the critical strike chance of your Starfire spell by 1/2/3% on targets afflicted by your Moonfire spell.
Increased Spirit: Chance on Moonfire to increase your Spirit by 131.
Nature's Splendor: Increases the duration of your Moonfire, Insect Swarm, Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom and Flourish spells by 10%.
Healing Touch (Rank 15): Cast time lowered from 3.5 to 3 seconds
Toughness (Rank 2) : Description changed from 'Increases your armor value from items by 4%.' to 'Increases your armor value from items by 4/9% and reduces the duration of all movement slowing effects by 20/30%.'
Hurricane (Rank 4) : Description changed from 'Creates a violent storm in the target area causing 303 Nature damage to enemies every 1 sec, and increasing the time between attacks by 25%. Lasts [DURATION]. Druid must channel to maintain the spell.' to 'Creates a violent storm in the target area causing 303 Nature damage to enemies every 1 sec, and increasing the time between attacks by 20%. Lasts [DURATION]. Druid must channel to maintain the spell.'
Furor (Rank 2) : Description changed from 'Gives you 40% chance to gain 100 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form.' to 'Gives you 40% chance to gain 100 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form, and increases your total Intellect while in Moonkin form by 4%.'
Improved Faerie Fire (Rank 3) : Description changed from 'Your Faerie Fire spell also increases the chance the target will be hit by melee, ranged and spell attacks by 3%.' to 'Your Faerie Fire spell also increases the chance the target will be hit by spell attacks by 3%.'
Improved Moonkin Form (Rank 3) : Description changed from 'Your Moonkin Aura also causes affected targets to have a 100% chance to gain 20% spell haste when they critically hit with spells for [DURATION]. This effect has a 30 second cooldown.' to 'Your Moonkin Aura also causes affected targets to gain 3% haste.'

A blue post on rogues with significant changes was posted on the forums.
Mutilate: No longer requires you to be behind the target

Bloodthirst: Instantly attack the target causing ${AP*142/100} damage. In addition, the next 5 successful melee attacks will restore 1.5% of max health. This effect lasts 8 sec. Damage is based on your attack power.
Thunder Clap: Blasts nearby enemies increasing the time between their attacks by 20% for 30 sec and doing 200 damage to them. Damage increased by attack power. This ability causes additional threat and will affect up to 0 targets.
Devastate: Sunder the target's armor causing the Sunder Armor effect. In addition, causes 50% of weapon damage plus 20 for each application of Sunder Armor on the target. The Sunder Armor effect can stack up to 0 times.
Heroic Strike: A strong attack that increases melee damage by 10% and causes a high amount of threat.
Execute : Description changed from 'Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing 600 damage and converting each extra point of rage into $*10;F1 additional damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health.' to 'Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing [482.0 + AP * 0.2] damage and converting each extra point of rage into $*10;F1 additional damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health.'
Safeguard (Rank 1) : Description changed from 'Reduces damage taken by the target of your Intervene ability by 20% for [DURATION]. In addition, your Charge, Intercept and Intervene abilities have a 33% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when used.' to 'Reduces damage taken by the target of your Intervene ability by 30% for [DURATION]. In addition, your Charge, Intercept and Intervene abilities have a 50% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when used.'

Life Tap: New rank added
Fel Intelligence: Increases party and raid members Intellect by 32 and Spirit by 40.
Shadow Embrace : Description changed from 'Your Corruption, Curse of Agony, Siphon Life and Seed of Corruption spells also cause the Shadow Embrace effect, which reduces physical damage caused by 1/2/3/4/5%.' to 'Your Corruption, Curse of Agony, Siphon Life and Seed of Corruption spells also cause you to gain the Shadow Embrace effect for [DURATION], increasing Shadow damage dealt by 2/4/6/8/10%.'
Blood Pact (Rank 6) : Description changed from 'Increases party and raid members' Stamina by 66.' to 'Increases party and raid members' health by 660.'

Totem of Wrath: Summons a Totem of Wrath with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The totem increases the damage done by spells and effects by 160% for all party and raid members, and increases the critical strike chance of spells and effects by 3% against all enemies within [RADIUS] yards. Lasts 120 sec.
Water Shield: The caster is surrounded by 3 globes of water, granting 100 mana per 5 sec. When a spell, melee or ranged attack hits the caster, 400 mana is restored to the caster. This expends one water globe. Only one globe will activate every few seconds. Lasts 600 sec. Only one Elemental Shield can be active on the Shaman at any one time.
Elemental Oath (Rank 2) : Description changed from 'Your spell critical strikes grant your party Elemental Oath, reducing the mana cost of spells and abilities by your party by 2% and increasing critical strike damage by 2%. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts 15 seconds.' to 'Your spell critical strikes grant your party or raid Elemental Oath, increasing critical strike chance by 5%. Lasts 15 seconds.'
Death Knight

Horn of Winter: New spell, Horn of Winter: The Death Knight blows the Horn of Winter, increasing total Strength and Agility of all party or raid members within [RADIUS] yards by 155. Lasts 120 sec.
Reaping (Rank 2) : Description changed from 'Whenever you use Death and Decay, there is a 60% chance that all three runes become Death Runes when they activate.' to 'Whenever you use Pestilence or Blood Boil there is a 60% chance that the Blood Rune becomes a Death Rune when it activates.'
New Glyphs


Glyph of Thorns: Increases the duration of your Thorns ability by 50 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of the Wild - Your Gift of the Wild spells no longer require a reagent.
Glyph of Aquatic Form: Increases your swim speed by 20 while in Aquatic Form.
Glyph of Rebirth - Your Gift of the Wild spells no longer require a reagent.
Glyph of Challenging Roar: Reduces the cooldown of your Challenging Roar ability by 30 sec.

Glyph of Bestial Speed: Increases the speed of your pet by 40% while using Eyes of the Beast.
Glyph of Scare Beast - Glyph of Scare Beast: Gives your Scare Beast spell a 75% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.
Glyph of Feign Death: Reduces the cooldown of your Feign Death spell by 5 sec.
Glyph of the Pack: Increases the range of your Aspect of the Pack ability by 15 yards.
Glyph of Mend Pet - Your Mend Pet spell increases your pet's happiness slightly.
Glyph of Revive Pet: Gives your Revive Pet spell a 100% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Glyph of Arcane Intellect: Reduces the mana cost of your Arcane Intellect and Arcane Brilliance spells by 50%.
Glyph of Slow Fall - Your Slow Fall spell no longer requires a reagent.
Glyph of Fire Ward: You have an additional 5% chance to reflect Fire spells while your Fire Ward is active.
Glyph of Frost Ward: You have an additional 5% chance to reflect Frost spells while your Frost Ward is active.
Glyph of Ice Armor: Increases the duration of your Frost Armor and Ice Armor spells by 30 min.

Glyph of Vanish: Increases your movement speed by 30% while the Vanish effect is active.
Glyph of Blurred Speed - You gain the ability to walk on water while your Sprint ability is active.
Glyph of Pick Pocket: Increases the range of your Pick Pocket skill by 5 yards.

Glyph of Shadow Protection: Increases the duration of your Shadow Protection and Prayer of Shadow Protection spells by 10 min.
Glyph of Fortitude: Reduces the mana cost of your Power Word: Fortitude and Prayer of Fortitude spells by .05%.
Glyph of Fading - Glyph of Fading: Reduces the mana cost of your Fade spell by 50%.
Glyph of Shackle Undead: Increases the range of your Shackle Undead spell by 5 yards.
Glyph of Levitate - Your Levitate spell no longer requires a reagent.

Glyph of Blessing of Wisdom: Increases the duration of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 20 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Blessing of Might: Increases the duration of your Blessing of Might spell by 20 min when cast on yourself.
Glyph of Lay on Hands: Increases the mana restored by your Lay on Hands spell by 5%.
Glyph of Sense Undead: Damage against Undead increased by 1% while your Sense Undead ability is active.
Glyph of Blessing of Kings: Reduces the mana cost of your Blessing of Kings and Greater Blessing of Kings spells by 50%.
Glyph of the Warhorse: Reduces the casting time of your Summon Charger and Summon Warhorse spells by .5 sec.
Glyph - Holy Light 01 (Paladin): Your Holy Light grants 10% of its heal amount to up to 5 friendly targets within [RANGE] yds of the initial target.

Zuletzt von Calnantyr am Sa Aug 30, 2008 12:05 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 206
Alter : 41
Anmeldedatum : 17.12.07

Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Aug 30, 2008 12:02 pm

Nur so vorweg. Arthas ist KEIN BOSS in WotLK. Der ist ein Questgeber.
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Aug 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Edit: Changelog wird zu groß für einen Post, darum hier Link: ^^
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptyFr Sep 05, 2008 7:01 pm

Änderungen aus dem neustem Build...

Zitat :


Shield Specialization - Now increases your block value by 10/20/30% instead of increasing the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 10/20/30%
Toughness - Now reduces the duration of all movement slowing effects by 10/20/30/40/50% as well as increase armor from items.
Blessing of Sanctuary - Now reduces damage taken from all sources by 3% for 10 min. In addition, when the target blocks, parries, or dodges a melee attack the target will gain 10 rage, 20 runic power, or 2% of the maximum mana.
Avenger's Shield - Rank 4 added, 1142 Mana, 658-788 Holy Damage
Improved Blessing of Might - Now increases the attack power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 5/10/15/20/25% down from 10/20/30/40/50%.
Vengeance - Now stacks up to 2 times, down from 3.
Judgements of the Wise - now grants 10 party or raid members mana regeneration equal to 0.5% of their maximum mana per second.
Crusader Strike - No longer refreshes Judgments on the target.
Death Knight

Dark Conviction - Now increases critical strike chance of weapons, spells and abilities instead of just weapons.
Might of Mograine - Now increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Blood Boil, Blood Strike, Death Strike, Heart Strike, and Obliterate abilities by 15/30/45%, instead of 20/40/60%.
Improved Icy Touch - Now reduces melee attack speed by an additional 2/4/6% up from 1/2/3%.
Toughness - Now reduces the duration of all movement slowing effects by 10/20/30/40/50% as well as increase armor from items.
Black Ice - Now increases your Frost and Shadow spell damage by 3/6/9/12/15% up from 2/4/6/8/10%.
Icy Talons - Now only caused by reduction of melee speed, removing ranged and casting. You leech heat from victims of your Frost Fever, so that when their melee speed is reduced, yours increases by 4/8/12/16/20% for for the next 20 sec. Up from 3/6/9/12/15%.
Lichborne - Reduced to a 3 min cooldown.
Runic Power Mastery - Now just grants 10/20/30 more maximum Runic Power.
Frigid Dreadplate - Now enemies who hit you in melee have a 30/60/100% chance to become unsettled, decreasing their chance to hit for 5% for the next 12 sec. Changed from Enemies who hit you in melee have a 5/10/15% chance to become unsettled, decreasing their attack speed by 50% for the next 3 swings.
Chill of the Grave - Down from 3 to 2 ranks. Now your Icy Touch, Chains of Ice and Howling Blast generate 50/100% additional runic power.
Improved Icy Talons - Now only increases melee attack speed, removing ranged and casting.
Merciless Combat - Changed to Icy Touch, Howling Blast, Obliterate and Frost Strike do an additional 10/20% damage when striking targets with less than 35% health from Frost spells and abilities do an additional 30/60% damage when striking targets with less than 20% health.
Frost Rune Mastery - replaced with Rime, which increases the damage of your Icy Touch and Howling Blast by 15/30%.
Howling Blast - Now has a 6 second cooldown, down from 30. Also does slightly less damage.
Frost Aura - Changed to 'All party or raid members within 45 yards of the Death Knight gain 40/80 spell resistance' from 'Increases your Frost Resistance by 32. While in Frost Presence, all party members within 45 yards take 2/4% less damage from magic.'
Endless Winter - 2nd rank changed to make Mind Freeze cost no runic power.
Blood of the North Down from 5 to 3 ranks. Now reads 'Whenever you use a Blood Strike, there is a 30/60/100% chance that the Blood Rune will become a Death Rune when it activates.'
Frost Strike - Now costs 40 Runic Power, down from 50.
Guile of Gorefiend - Frost Strike now receives benefit from this talent.
Hungering Cold - Now costs 60 Runic Power, up from 10. Now enemies within 10 yards are trapped in ice, preventing them from performing any action for 10 sec, instead of the duration depending on Runic Power.
Unholy Command - Now reduces the cooldown of your Demand ability by 1/2 sec, instead of Blood Boil.
Outbreak - Now increases the damage of Plague Strike, Pestilence and Blood Boil by 10/20/30%, instead of increasing the damage of Plague Strike and Scourge Strike by 5/10/15% and Pestilence and Blood Boil by 10/20/30%.
Blood-Caked Blade - Now auto attacks have a 5/10/15% chance to cause a Blood-Caked Strike, instead of melee attacks and abilities.
Impurity - Now your spells receive an additional 5/10/15/20/25% benefit from your attack power, up from 4/8/12/16/20%.
Desecration - Now Plague Strikes cause the Desecrated Ground effect instead of Obliterates.
Scourge Strike - Now requires 1 Unholy 1 Frost, instead of just 1 Unholy. Now deals 100% weapon damage as Shadow damage plus 333 and 50% additional damage for each of the Death Knight's diseases on the target.

Frailty - Description changed, now increases the amount of attack power granted by your Curse of Recklessness by 50/100% instead of increasing the amount of armor reduced by your Curse of Recklessness by 10/20%.
Shadow Embrace - Now increases Shadow damage dealt by 2/4/6/8/10% instead of reducing physical damage done by the debuffed mob caused by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Demonic Empathy - Now a buff on the raid, instead of a debuff on the mob.

Nature's Focus - Now will give pushback resist chances of 23/46/70% on Healing Touch, Wrath, Entangling Roots, Cyclone, Nourish, Regrowth and Tranquility spells.
Tree of Life - Mana cost reduced to 684. While in this form you increase healing received by 3% for all party and raid members within 45 yards, and you can only cast Restoration and Barkskin spells, but the mana cost of your healing over time spells is reduced by 20%.
Improved Tree of Life - Now reduces the mana cost of your heal over time spells while in Tree of Life Form by an additional 5/10/15% instead of increasing the effect of your Tree of Life Aura by 5/10/15%.
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Sep 06, 2008 10:02 am

Arthas ist ein Q geber @ baelgrun, aber auch Endboss, am ende lösen sich die Todesritter nich umsonst bei Arthas auf und schwören Rache^^
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Sep 06, 2008 12:50 pm

Größerer Changelog, und wieder nette Sachen dabei ^^
Death Knight Changes (Click this bar to Open/Close)

Blood of the North: Now gives a 30/60/100% (up from 20/40/60%) chance to proc a Death Rune.
Heart Strike: Now causes 50% weapon damage (down from 60%). Bonus damage per disease reduced.
Blood Boil: Now only effects the Death Knight's diseases. Now also causes diseases on nearby enemies to erupt as well. Damage slightly increased.
Strangulate - Damage reduced.
Might of Mograine - Now effects Obliterate as well. Increases critical strike damage bonus by 15/30/45% (down from 20/40/60%).
Blood Strike: Now causes 50% weapon damage (down from 60%). Bonus damage decreased.
Death Rune Mastery: Now also procs from Obliterate.

Frost Strike: Now causes 50% weapon damage (down from 100%). Bonus damage increased.
Rune Strike: Now only procs when the Death Knight performs a critical hit with a melee special ability (instead of on any melee or spell critical hit).
Obliterate - Damaged reduced.
Merciless Combat - Now Icy Touch, Howling Blast, Obliterate and Frost Strike do an additional 10/20% (down from 30/60%) damage when striking targets with less than 35% health.'
Icy Touch: Damage reduced.

Scourge Strike: Now causes 65% weapon damage (down from 100%). Bonus damage per disease reduced.
Unholy Command: No longer effects the cooldown of Dark Command.
Corpse Explosion: Shadow damage reduced.
Death and Decay: Periodic damage reduced.
Outbreak - Now increases the damage of Plague Strike, Pestilence and Blood Boil by 10/20/30% (instead of Plague Strike and Scourge Strike by 5/10/15%, and Pestilence and Blood Boil by 10/20/30%.)
Death Coil: Damage and healing decreased.
Death Strike: Damage slightly reduced.
Plague Strike: Now deals 30% weapon damage (down from 60%). Bonus damage slightly reduced.
Druid Changes (Click this bar to Open/Close)

Furor: Now allows you to keep 20/40/60/80/100 energy when shifting into cat form
Infected Wounds: Now reduces the movement speed of the target by 25% (up from 10%) and the attack speed by 10% (up from 4%).
Mother Bear: Now reduces damage you take while in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 1% for all ranks.

Healing Touch - All ranks had slight mana cost reductions
Living Seed: Description changed to When you critically heal your target with Swiftmend, Regrowth, Nourish or Healing Touch spell you have a 133/66/00% chance to plant a Living Seed on the target for 30% of the amount healed. The Living Seed will bloom when the target is next attacked. Lasts [DURATION].'
Hunter Changes (Click this bar to Open/Close)

Rapid Recuperation: Now you gain 1/2/3% of your mana every 2 sec for 6 sec when you gain Rapid Killing (instead of mana equal to 50/100/150% of the damage you do under the effect of Rapid Killing over 6 sec.)
Hunter Pets

Feeding Frenzy: Now your pet does 6/12% (down from 20/40%) additional damage to targets with less than 35% (up from 20%) health.
Web Spray: Nature damage increased.
Acid Spit (Worm): Now reduces armor by 10/120/250/360/520/785 (Ranks 1-6) per stack. Can stack up to 5 times.
Mage Changes (Click this bar to Open/Close)

Molten Fury - Increases damage of all spells against targets with less than 35% health by 6/12% from targets with less than 20% health by 10/20%
Paladin Changes (Click this bar to Open/Close)

Beacon of Light: Desciption now includes "Only one target can be the Beacon of Light at a time."

Hammer of Wrath - Cast time now instant.
Priest Changes (Click this bar to Open/Close)
Misery - Now also increases the damage of your Mind Blast, Mind Flay and Mind Sear spells by an amount equal to 5/10/15% of your spell power.
Rogue Changes (Click this bar to Open/Close)

Cut to the Chase: Now procs off of Eviscerate and Envenom abilities without needing then to critically strike.
Hunger For Blood: Now enrages you, increasing all damage caused by 3% (down from 5%). Now removed any type of effect, not just Bleeds or Magic effects.
Blood Spatter: Now increases the damage caused by your Garrote and Rupture abilities by 15/30% (up from 10/20%).
Lethality - Now increases the critical strike damage of all combo moves
Improved Expose Armor - Now reduces the energy cost of your Expose Armor ability by 5/10 instead of increasing the duration by 25/50%
Murder - Now increases all damage caused against Humanoid, Giant, Beast and Dragonkin targets by 2/4%, up from 1/2%
Deadened Nerves - Now reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%, up from 1/2/3%
Master Poisoner - No longer reduces the chance your poisons will be resisted or the duration of all Poison effects applied to you, but increases the critical hit chance of all attacks made against any target you have poisoned by 1/2/3% and reduces the duration of all Poison effects applied to you by 17/34/50%.

Prey on the Weak: Now increased critical strike damage by 4/8/12/16/20% (instead of increasing normalmelee critical strike damage by 5/10/15/20/25%)
Blood Poisoning revamped: Now "All physical damage caused to enemies you have poisoned is increased by 1/2%." (Previously: When you have less than 35% health, all damage taken is reduced by 5% and you are treated as if you are at full health.)
Unfair Advantage revamped: Now "Whenever you dodge an attack you gain an Unfair Advantage, striking back for 50/100% of your main hand weapon's damage." (Previously: Whenever you critically hit an enemy or dodge an attack you gain an Unfair Advantage, increasing your chance to critically hit and dodge by 1/2% for [DURATION].)
Blade Twisting: Now reduces movement speed by 70% (up from 50%).
Throwing Specialization - Now also gives Fan of Knives a 50/100% chance to interrupt the target.
Improved Slice and Dice - Now increases the duration of your Slice and Dice ability by 25/50%, up from 15/30%
Riposte - Now awards one combo point
Precision - Now increases chance to hit for poison attacks
Endurance - Now reduces the cooldown of your Sprint and Evasion abilities by 30 sec, down from 45 sec
Close Quarters Combat - Now increases critical strike chance of Fist Weapons as well
Surprise Attacks - Now Hemorrhage damage is also increased.
Nerves of Steel - Now reduces damage taken while affected by Stun and Fear effects by 15/30% instead of reducing the duration

Disarm Trap - Cast time reduced to 1 second from 2 seconds.
Improved Ambush - Now increases the critical strike chance of your Ambush ability by 25/50% up from 15/30%
Preparation - No longer resets cooldown of Premeditation
Relentless Strikes - Now finishing moves have a 4% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy, down from 25%
Elusiveness - Now also reduces the cooldown of Cloak of Shadows
Initiative - Now gives you a 33/66/100% chance to add an additional combo point to your target when using your Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot ability, up from 25/50/75%
Opportunity - Now increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Mutilate, Garrote and Ambush abilities by 10/20%, up from 4/8%
Camouflage - Now increases your speed while stealthed by 5/10/15% and reduces the cooldown of your Stealth ability by 2/4/6 sec, up from 3/6/9% and 1/2/3 sec
Slaughter from the Shadows: Now also reduces the energy cost of your Hemorrhage by 1/2/3/4/5.
Shadow Dance revamped: Now you "Enter the Shadow Dance, allowing the use of Sap, Garrotte, Ambush, Cheap Shot, Premeditation, Pickpocket and Disarm Trap regardless of being stealthed. Those abilities each gain a cooldown of [2.0] sec. Lasts [DURATION]." (Previously cause you to reenter stealth every 3 secs.)

Anesthetic Poison: Nature damage and amount of Enrage effect dispelled increased.
Deadly Poison - Now scales with AP, doing [296.0(Rank 7) + 0.12 * AP] Nature damage
Instant Poison - Now scales with AP, doing [240.0(Rank 7) + 0.15 * AP] Nature damage.
Wound Poison - Now scales with AP, causing [112.0(Rank 5) + 0.06 * AP] Nature damage.
Shaman Changes (Click this bar to Open/Close)

Totem of Wrath: Percent sign removed, now does 160 spellpower bonus at max rank.
Improved Fire Nova Totem: Now stuns the target instead of reducing movement speed.

Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 7): Now increases the strength and agility by 115 (up from 86).

Water Shield: Mana granted when the caster is struck decreased.
Spirit Link: Description now includes "A member of the link moving beyond 100 yards will also break the link."
Warlock Changes (Click this bar to Open/Close)
Shadow Embrace - Description changed from 'Your Corruption, Curse of Agony, Siphon Life and Seed of Corruption spells also cause you to gain the Shadow Embrace effect for 12s , increasing Shadow damage dealt by 4%.' to 'Your Shadow Bolt and Haunt spells apply the Shadow Embrace effect, increasing all periodic damage dealt to the target by you by 4%, and reduces all periodic healing done to the target by 6%. Lasts for 12 sec. Stacks up to 2 times.'
Everlasting Affliction - Description changed from 'Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Unstable Affliction spells gain an additional 20% of your bonus spell damage effects, and your Drain Life and Shadow Bolt spells have a 100% chance to reset the duration of your Corruption spell on the target.' to 'Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Unstable Affliction spells gain an additional 5% of your bonus spell damage effects each time they inflict damage, and your Drain Life and Shadow Bolt spells have a 100% chance to reset the duration of your Corruption spell on the target.'
Haunt: Description changed to 'You send a ghostly soul into the target, dealing 645 to 754 Shadow damage and increasing all damage done by your damage-over-time effects on the target by 20% for [DURATION]. When the Haunt spell ends or is dispelled, the soul returns to you, healing you for 20% of the damage it did to the target.'
Warrior Changes (Click this bar to Open/Close)

Bladestorm: Now you will perform a whirlwind attack every 1 sec (down from 1.5 sec).
Mace Specialization - Your attacks with maces ignore up to 3/6/9/12/15% of your opponent's armor
Thunder Clap - Slight increase in the static damage for all ranks
Gag Order - Heroic Throw (formerly Weapon Throw) now also silences
Deflection - Now increases your Parry chance by 2/4/6%, up from 1/2/3%
Improved Mortal Strike - No longer gives your Enraged Assault ability a 30% chance to refresh the cooldown of Mortal Strike

Enraged Regeneration revamped: Now "You regenerate 30% of your total health over 10 sec. This ability consumes all Enrage effects and prevents any from affecting you for the full duration." (Previously: A furious assault that consumes an Enrage effect on the warrior and attacks with all weapons.)
Furious Attacks: Now your normal melee attacks have a chance (instead of a flat 50/100% chance) to reduce all healing done to the target by 25%.
Improved Whirlwind - Now increases the damage of your Whirlwind ability by 10/20%.

Warbringer: Now also allows Charge to be used in any stance.
Shockwave: Damage caused is now equal to 75% of AP (up from 50%).
Sword and Board revamped: Now increases the critical strike chance of your Devastate ability by 5/10/15% and when your Devastate ability deals damage it has a 10/20/30% chance of refreshing the cooldown of your Shield Slam ability and reducing its cost by 100% for [DURATION]. (Previously: When your Devastate ability deals damage it has a 3/6/9% chance of refreshing the cooldown of your Shield Slam ability and reducing its cost by 100% for [DURATION].)
Shield Wall - Reduces all damage taken by 60% up from 50%
Improved Disciplines - Now reduces the cooldown of your Shield Wall, Retaliation and Recklessness abilities by 60 sec instead of increasing the damage reduction of your Shield Wall ability by an additional 10% and reducing the cooldown by 60 sec
Improved Disarm - No longer lowers the cooldown of Shield Break
Shield Mastery - Now increases your block value by 15/30% and reduces the cooldown of your Shield Block ability by 10/20 sec.
Vitality - Now increases your Expertise by 2/4/6, as well as your total Strength and Stamina by 2/4/6%
Misc Changes & New Spells (Click this bar to Open/Close)
Most Scrolls - Values adjusted, mostly lowered.
Mounts - Most tooltips had the percent increase of speed removed.
Enchants - Most tooltips reworded, for example 'Permanently enchant a cloak to give 15 nature resistance.' to 'Permanently enchant a cloak to increase nature resistance by 15.'
Solarian's Sapphire buff now grants 110 AP, up from 70
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 206
Alter : 41
Anmeldedatum : 17.12.07

Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Sep 06, 2008 1:19 pm

Karub schrieb:
Arthas ist ein Q geber @ baelgrun, aber auch Endboss, am ende lösen sich die Todesritter nich umsonst bei Arthas auf und schwören Rache^^

Zur Zeit ist der höchste WotLK Encounter irgendso ein Drachenviech. Arthas ist atm in noch keiner Ini vertreten.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 188
Alter : 44
Ort : 55583
Anmeldedatum : 17.12.07

Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySa Sep 06, 2008 7:36 pm

Bealgrun schrieb:
Karub schrieb:
Arthas ist ein Q geber @ baelgrun, aber auch Endboss, am ende lösen sich die Todesritter nich umsonst bei Arthas auf und schwören Rache^^

Zur Zeit ist der höchste WotLK Encounter irgendso ein Drachenviech. Arthas ist atm in noch keiner Ini vertreten.

Zum beginn vom BC war Illidan auch in keiner Instanz vertreten, die wurde nämlich erst reingepatcht!
Aber im Intro war er drin.
"Sie sind also Illidan Sturmgrimm, selbsternannter Herrscher von Outland?"

Und nun stelle ich folgende preisfrage: wer ist denn der Herrscher von Northrend?
A) Arthas Honnecker, Parteivorsitzender der SED und der Geissel
B) Bernd das Brot
C) Die Chipmunks

Rufen sie 0800/08154711 und gewinnen sie ein Eis aus Northrend!
7,50€ aus dem deutschen Festnetz, Mobilfunkpreise können abweichen!

Ey Sven du Dschango..... Wer soll den bitte sonst der Endboss von Nothrend sein?
Hm vielleicht ja dieser äh wie heisst er noch gleich? achso Lich King, genau!
Deshalb heisst es ja auch wrath of the Lich King, oder?^^

Ach ja das ist ja der Arthas, oder Question
Und das der im intro vorkommt ist eh nebensächlich und mir ist langweilig.

So jetzt gehts uff die kirmes!
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySo Sep 07, 2008 12:25 pm

Änderungen in den Racials...

Zitat :

Kalgan has posted about a variety of changes being made to Racial Abilities in the near future:

Hardiness now reduces the duration of stun effects by 15%

Racial Passive "The Voodoo Shuffle": Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 15%. Trolls be flippin' out mon!
Berserking: no longer has an activation cost of energy/rage/etc

Gift of the Naaru: now scales based on the higher of either the caster's Attack Power or Spell Power
Shadow Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Shadow spells by 2%

Frost Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Frost spells by 2%
Racial Passive "Mace Specialization": Expertise with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5.

Shadow Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Shadow spells by 1% (yes, this is lower than the other resistance racials)
Will of the Forsaken: removes any fear, sleep, or charm effect (no longer has a lasting immunity).
Night Elf:

Quickness: reduces the chance to be hit by melee or ranged attacks by 2%
Nature Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Nature spells by 3%

Endurance: now scales based on base health, to be tuned to approximately a 5% heath increase if the player were wearing green quality gear
Nature Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Nature spells by 2%

Escape Artist: the freeing effect can no longer be resisted
Arcane Resistance: reduces the chance to be hit by Arcane spells by 2%
Blood Elf:

Mana Tap: ability removed (partially integrated into Arcane Torrent)
Arcane Torrent: restores 15 energy, 15 runic power, or 6% of mana to the Blood Elf (along with the current 2s silence effect)
Magic resistance: (unknown, possibly reduces chance to be hit by all spell schools by 1%)

Perception: changed to a passive, now grants one character level of passive stealth detection
Racial "The Fall of Humanity": Feign death which may trick enemies into ignoring you. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect. 5min cooldown
Racial Passive "Human Supremacy": The dominance of Humanity is evidenced by having one more racial bonus than normal. Actually, make that two counting this one. (just a tooltip, no actual functionality)
The Human Spirit: spirit bonus lowered to 5%
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySo Sep 07, 2008 12:58 pm

Schöne Deathknight nerfs... wollen sie den nun doch für die Arena erlauben? würde dann die ganzen nerfs erklären.

Und das Drachenvieh ist Malygos, Aspekt der Blaudrachen
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySo Sep 07, 2008 1:35 pm

Hier mal ein wenig was für Druiden: Eine Gegenüberstellung der Naxxramas 10er Sets von Moonkin und Heiler!

Schön zu sehen, wie nahe die beiden Speccs sich jetzt durch Spellpower geworden sind - und kein Mana5 auf dem Moonkin set 0o...
Calles WOTLK Ticker Naxx10_druid_healer_original
Calles WOTLK Ticker Naxx10_druid_nuker_original
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptyDo Sep 11, 2008 11:08 am

So, es gab gestern mal wieder einen neuen Build mit ein paar Änderungen an den Klassen!

Die Liste ist mal wieder zu lang um sie zu posten, darum gibt es nur einen Link Razz
Unter anderem gibt es auch Mammuts zum reiten, sieht in etwa so aus:
Calles WOTLK Ticker Mammothmountnq7
(Die zweisitzige Version...)
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptyFr Sep 12, 2008 11:30 am

WUHaHAa, ich hab heute einen Betakey bekommen ^^
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 74
Alter : 47
Anmeldedatum : 09.10.07

Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptyFr Sep 12, 2008 4:19 pm

gz Smile
dann kannst ja jetzt mehr und ausführlichere meldung machen Smile
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptySo Sep 14, 2008 4:24 pm

Unter könnt ihr euch für den öffentlichen Testrealm für Patch 3.0.2 (Alle Wotlk Talente und Glyphen Beruf vor dem Addon....) anmelden!
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Calles WOTLK Ticker Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Calles WOTLK Ticker   Calles WOTLK Ticker EmptyDi Sep 16, 2008 10:34 pm

Neben dem Releasedatum...

13.11.2008 WOTLK!!!

werden wieder weitere alte Zöpfe abgeschnitten!
Nun hat es endlich mal die Rassenfähigkeiten von Priestern getroffen:

Zitat :

In an upcoming build all Priest racials have been retired, except the following:

Desperate Prayer - This is now the 11-point talent in Holy, Holy Nova is now a base ability. Cooldown also reduced to 30 seconds.
Devouring Plague - Now a base ability. Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds, mana cost greatly reduced.
Symbol of Hope - Now a base ability. Now restores 5% base mana every 2 seconds for 8 seconds to your party. Renamed "Hymn of Hope."
While this change does reduce the "uniqueness" of different Priests, we feel game balance as a whole will benefit.

Note: These new "racials" are not racials, they are trainable to all Priests.
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